My woman’s beauty far outshines the early morning’s dawn.
My woman’s innocence is like a newborn woodland fawn.
Her hair is spun like silky gold, it glimmers in the light.
Her face is like the distant moon, illuminating night.
Our love is like a bright red rose, and also like the sea
And also like a shining star, and like a melody.
She’s a diamond, and a bird, and a wafting summer breeze
And a sunset and a goddess, and all pleasing harmonies.
She’s a fruit, and the spring, and a gently whispered rhyme.
She’s a portrait, and a raindrop, and a floating butterfly.
A piece of string, an obelisk, a stained glass windowpane,
A firework, a school of fish, a full-grown lion’s mane
Kayaks, fountains, squirrels, and bridges, smoke alarms, and grills
Cilia, and Sanskrit, eels, knobs, and mallard bills.
That is what my girl is like, and that is why I love her.
She’s totally unique, I swear, she’s unlike any other.